I've been impressed lately with some of amount of accessible design features I've seen around as of late. By "accessible design", I mean home decor, renovations and design that is accessible to those with a physical impairment or disability. First I noticed that back in March, Better Homes and Gardens did a great feature on a home designed with a wheelchaired child in mind. Yes, it was a rancher and mid-century modern in design so it leant itself to move open-flow and clean line design. But even if this isn't your style, there were some great ideas here! Check it out here Then I saw Southern Living did a great home build with "adaptive design" in mind. This was a great feature because it reviewed new construction and slight changes in thinking to make just a welcoming, easy access home for all guests. As noted in the article, " If you’re going to be a good host, particularly from the Southern point of view, where we’re all about hospitality,
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