Today I want to talk about the beloved Philly rowhouse. A charming, but often modern-design-flawed bit of architecture that is the most common home type in our city. Rowhouses come in all shapes, sizes, and eras here but some carry more issues than others when relating to modern living. So I wanted to share some of the concerns I hear about most as a real estate agent, and some of the best ways to work around those design flaws. The Trinity Staircase The trinity home is generally a 3-story home with one (maybe two) rooms per floor, connected by a tiny, spiral staircase. While generally the tininess of these homes isn't an issue to buyers who are looking in a certain price range or don't need a larger home, the steep, winding stairs are often a dealbreaker. Tip #1 - Shore up the stairs. Tightness is one thing, but if the stairs are also really soft or slanted in one direction, it can make the walk up or down all the more difficult. If you need to shore up